Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Atlantic Ocean

Hi there. We’re slowly making our way across the Atlantic at an average speed of about 14 knots. We had our first test this morning in Global Studies. It was multiple choice- needless to say I think I’m gonna pass. I just had lunch and am pleased by the recent dessert options in the caf. Today was devil’s food cake. I think they are picking up on the fact that we like chocolate.
Colin- how are the driving lessons coming? Hit anyone yet? Oh- I meant to tell you they played I Am Legend on our cabin TVs the other night too- when I turned it on it was at the really sad part though (you know what I mean). Ryan- Congrats on your college acceptances and have fun visiting Chicago! Mom- everyone likes my Sigg water bottle. We were talking at dinner about how many hours we will lose before we get to SA and it came in very handy. (It has a map of the world and time zones on it) We lose 5 hours total between Brazil and SA. We lose our second hour tonight.
Will has been keeping me apprised of the political goings-on at home. Sounds like Obama is moving-on up! That is very exciting! Seems like the majority of the boat is pro-Obama.
Speaking of Obama- Yesterday in Human Rights we watched The Devil Came on Horseback about the Darfur region in Sudan. It’s a pretty recent documentary made by a former marine about his months in Darfur as a peacekeeping officer to monitor the cease-fire. Apparently the film has won some awards already. I highly recommend it. It is very graphic but very informative and of course- sad and infuriating.
Hotel Rwanda was one of the cabin movies last night so I watched it as well. On top of those movies we are obviously studying the Apartheid on our way to South Africa and I started reading A Human Being Died That Night about the author’s series of interviews with death squad chief Eugene de Kock. Truthfully I did not know the gruesome details of Apartheid but am appreciating this unique opportunity to study it before I arrive in Cape Town where Apartheid was legally ended only a little over a decade ago.
There should be some new pictures up soon too!

1 comment:

Emily said...


Sounds like you are having a fabulous time... You are greatly missed here at Bucknell and every night I begin to miss you, I remember that we are all under the same moon. (Its soo pretty!) Haha. Love you. Keep taking pictures (I loved the "giant" iguana) and keep writing (we know you have it in you Ms. Writer of the Year!) Love love love, the littlest big.